Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Present Answer

Logion 79 works with contrast to demonstrate the difference between the ego thought system and that of the Holy Spirit. Between determining meaning and value in the present from the past and living fully in the present. In a way it anticipates the theme of Logion 99, which also uses family relationships to show it is not the past that matters or determines who we are, neither what we did, nor what anyone else might have done, but the only thing that matters is "to hear the word of the father," and to keep it, right now.

It matters not what you may or may not have done in the world, there are no merit points for that, but living the will of God is the answer. This is a really radical teaching, and one that we all have a great deal of trouble with, for the conditioning goes very deep of looking into where we came from who our parents were, etc. all of which is about building up the meaning of the ego, and never being present in the present. Doing God's Will, is all about putting him first and ourselves second, and doing so, there is no need for our interpretation (from the past), so we can just be who we are. Here is the beautiful text of Lesson 328:

    What seems to be the second place is first, for all things we perceive are upside down until we listen to the Voice for God. It seems that we will gain autonomy but by our striving to be separate, and that our independence from the rest of God's creation is the way in which salvation is obtained. Yet all we find is sickness, suffering and loss and death. This is not what our Father wills for us, nor is there any second to His Will. To join with His is but to find our own. 6 And since our will is His, it is to Him that we must go to recognize our will.

    There is no will but Yours. And I am glad that nothing I imagine contradicts what You would have me be. It is Your Will that I be wholly safe, eternally at peace. And happily I share that Will which You, my Father, gave as part of me. (ACIM:W-328.1-2)

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