Sunday, November 15, 2009

Skipping Stones on the Pond

This blog has grown as concentric circles around the 70/71 sayings of Thomas, and their treatment in my book "Closing the Circle," and so far had developed roughly in two layers:

  • Layer one contains directly supporting materials to the book.
  • Layer two was an expanded discussion of the sayings.
  • In between there were some more loosely related explorations.
I now sense that the third layer will become a more fluid stage wherein I'll write occasionally about themes related to A Course in Miracles, and Jesus, and simply connect to the Thomas materials from that vantage point. I sense that this will be another way that the Jesus material which is contained in the Thomas Gospel will be seen as highly coherent when seen in the tradition of the Course. In that context, the sayings of the Thomas Gospel will increasingly reveal themselves as a sort of kernel, which may not contain a great elaboration of the teaching, but which still hang together very strongly, and are totally consistent with the inner Jesus tradition of which ACIM is merely the modern manifestation.

The whole thing in this evolution is about making this material more an more practical, and connecting it to day to day living, which increasingly will reflect the integration with the practical focus of A Course in Miracles, aiming at day to day living of the teachings of Jesus, more so than theological speculation, even though the Course of course is theologically very profound, if you want to look at it from that angle. But the daily practice of living the teachings is where the rubber meets the road.

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