Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Moving Mountains (again)

Here is another New Testament "prequel," not to mention that the image of moving mountains is also used in Logion 48. The expression also seems to exist in the "Q" source material. Logion 106 is a little more pronounced than logion 48, which speaks only of two making peace with each other in a single house. Here the expression is "making the two into one." It adds to this the notion of becoming children of Adam, which here seems to be meant in terms of returning to the original decision point, to the original decision for the ego, which A Course in Miracles calls the "tiny, mad idea." Adam is the exemplar of that, as the first "individual" human being, to exist separately from God. The implication is that by making "the two into one," we return home the same way that we came, by undoing the choice for separation and duality.

As per usual, the moving of mountains would not be meant literally, but whoever has dealt with all the feelings of guilt and fear which the ego is commonly associated with, would have to understand how impossible it can seem to dislodge those mountains of fear and guilt, which are the ego's obstacles which block "the awareness of love's presence" safely from our mind. These are mountains indeed, and they can seem impossible to dislodge. And of course our experience in the world may our may not change as a result, but Jesus speaks to us symbolically about the inner process.

Making the two into one is simply another way for the undoing of the separation thought, and while it is not often spelled out in such detail in the old literature, with A Course in Miracles in hand, it is easy to see how it's path of undoing through forgiveness really leads us back to this original decision point, until we finally can choose the Atonement for ourselves, when we fully accept that the separation indeed never happened, and it was only a dream. The fact is that for us sometimes the more direct, psychological explanation of A Course in Miracles, is easier to understand than the symbolic language of old, but both have a role to play, for our lives speak to us in the language of parables, as everything in the realm of duality is a symbol, and it only depends on the guide we choose whether our experience will be one of endlessly repeating the separation (if we choose the ego), or one of restoring the two into one, if we choose the Holy Spirit as our guide.

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